Our June women’s retreat newsletter
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Enjoy updates and latest events & their details by clicking here!
Being a small local business I thought it would be useful to write a little blog on refunds, payments and swaps. Not everyone can place themselves into another’s shoes and communication is, I feel, super important and beneficial – for all parties concerned- and if in doubt, please ask me! I am an open person, …
To live consciously and fully, it is helpful to be aware of how your conception, birth and even past lives have imprinted you. These determine how you choose and relate to the world around you. Discovering these roots is empowering and freeing you to be who you were designed to be.
I warmly invite you to connect to our wholistic self care and self love series, yoga, retreats and private coaching. Everything is now shifting with greater ease and flow in these amazing times of change … this is powerful and truly brilliant …
Enjoy our latest news with exciting offerings to support your unique divine journey..
Did you know that most of your daily actions, thoughts and behavioural patterns are lead by your unconscious or subconscious mind? As much as this is a time saving, essential capacity, which allows us to drive our car (or ride our bike with perfect balance) to work each day without thinking about the details of …
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