Besides offering keynote presentations and corporate wellness seminars on sleep and mental health & helping luxe resorts create unique and powerful science-backed sleep & rejuvenation experiences, I love helping busy women regain maximum energy so fulfilling passions, mental clarity and creative joy is an everyday event, utilising traditional yogic techniques, NLP, hypnosis, TLT and deepest neuro rest techniques and hence empowering YOU to claim YOUR optimised, rejuvenating & deeply life-enhancing sleep-quality and hence empowerment in all arenas of life, with ease!

I promise you that the answer to 99% of your challenges is within your ability to know how to rest and rejuvenate and connect with your own vision, clarity and passion. Let me show you why and how you can get your zest and vibrant self back: it is my absolute pleasure and privilege to share with you, what I have holistically learnt and embodied with my over 40 years of combined experience as a scientist, yogi, hypnotherapist, kundalini yoga teacher, meditation and breath-work guide, NLP Master Practitioner, women's coach, retreat holder in Australia and around the world, a student of life, mother of three and CEO/freelancer. I feel I have seen and heard it all - and there is always an answer and grateful and powerful way forward for you. That I know for sure.
If you resonate with my passion for this for you, let's chat!

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Hi, I’d like to introduce myself here:

I’d love to get to know you better! Let’s connect.

Sleep Health

Sleep health is an essential aspect of your capacity to thrive as a human being. It affects everything you do! Your performance, your mindset, your energy levels, your ability to recover and move forward.

Do you struggle falling asleep? Do you struggle to maintain sleep throughout the night? Did you know that there are certain do's and don'ts that can help you with gaining quality sleep?

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Women’s Wholistic Thriving

Specialised wholistic support for women: breathing, trauma release, grief processing, natural conception, conception after pregnancy loss, deep self-love and self-care through yogic practises, mindfulness, breathing, NLP, hypnosis, self-empowerment, circles, classes and retreats for women. Each session is wholistic: A complete practise & package in itself ~ caring for her body, mind and spirit all in one!

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NLP TLT & Hypnosis

The way we think and see the world creates our unique reality. We literally have neurological patterns we can rewire if they no longer serve us. Old habits, hurts or self-limiting beliefs can be understood, healed and released with ease and grace.

We can use our timeline awareness to remember everything as our unconscious mind, which holds the blueprint for perfect health, remembers everything.

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Women’s Coaching

As a wholistic women's coach, I help women see their incredible brilliance and hold space for transformation and for her to blossom fully into her highest expression of her life in all areas, be it in relationship with herself, her loved ones, career, health or spirituality.

I love it when I see women gain back their full sparkle in their eyes, their radiance is obvious & bright, and they again embody their innate birthright of confidence in themselves and their unique brilliance fully.

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Everything is made up of energy which vibrates at a certain frequency, and when the body is relaxed and experiences specific sounds designed to induce relaxation and nervous system balance, immense self alignment happens - vibrationally. It is vibrational imbalance that causes feelings and over time, and accumulation and manifestation of disease or un-wellness. Conversely, vibrational balance, inner harmony of energy flow, can create the immense instant wellbeing.

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Meditation Coaching

Meditation can be easy, joyful and uniquely tailored to your personality and lifestyle!

We all know it is the key to health on all levels: emotionally, physically and mentally.
The meditative state creates deep inner awareness of your inherent knowing, wisdom, blueprint for health and reminds you to recognise the brilliance and capacity within you & to know you have all you need within you!

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Gut Health

These days it is well known that our gut health is reflected in how we think, feel and intrinsically how healthy and energetic we feel in life!

I am passionate about holistic thriving and have generally lived a healthy lifestyle and had a great relationship with food, where the joy of eating was intertwined with my body’s need for nutrition and low toxicity.

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Dōterra Essential Oils

As a yogi/ yoga teacher specialising in women’s health and wellbeing; as a mother of three, and a business woman running my own company, as a research scientist with a Bachelor of Science (Hons) (immunology and boichemistry) and currently doing a PhD in sleep and breathing, all aspects of my consciousness understand, feel and experience the countless gifts of the essential oils in my personal life!

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What a blessing it was to have crossed paths with you Sabine! You're one of the most genuine people I have met. Your energy is pure, your words are wise and your teachings are wholesome - love your sense of humour too! Thank you for allowing me into your space so I could truly feel what it's like (not just know) to have everything I need within myself by embodying it. Forever grateful and I love that we are still in touch and sharing our journeys. Much love and light to you and whoever you encounter.

Lauren Finelli
Lauren Finelli@lauren.finelli

My private sessions with Sabine were transformative. Sabine taught me how to use breathing techniques to calm my anxiety and taught me kriyas to manage my nerve pain. I also underwent NLP to help me release emotions that no longer serve me. Sabine has helped me with strategies to focus on the positive aspects of my life to ease my anxiety.

Di Nervis
Di Nervis@dinervis.neurodesign

I’ve been joining Sabine’s yoga and meditation sessions for almost a year now. Due to the circumstances, she has adapted to the online world. It’s impressive how she can still manifest the same energy and good vibes as the face-to-face classes. She is a knowledgeable and trustworthy professional, always concerned about providing the best service to suit your needs. She is available and interested to hear about your experiences and feedback to make the most of your journey. I feel blessed to have come across her services and her soul. She is a beautiful and inspiring woman from inside out. I'd heartily recommend any women to join one of the classes for an amazing and transforming experience. Thanks Sabine for being light in the world!


I have worked with Sabine 1:1 and each time is as profound as the last. Sabine holds space without agenda. With absolute non-judgement. Her presence is one of peace, humour and grace. She is so authentically herself that it gives permission for others to be the same, no matter how weird or quirky! When I work with Sabine I know that I am safe to truly be witnessed, no matter what arises for me in the session; its all held with total acceptance. The space she holds is like the key needed to unlock newly discovered doors into my unconscious, and in this space, all of the answers I seek are available. I float away from every session feeling absolutely blissed out and completely confident. I now trust myself in a way I always wished for. I no longer believe that the anwers I seek will be found externally. All of the wisdom I need is within me, perfectly tailored wisdom just for me. Without Sabine's guidance I may not have discovered this truth. I'm so deeply grateful to have discovered someone who has the purest intention of helping others by bringing joy, confidence and clarity. I trust her completely.

Christine Sangermano
Christine Sangermano@christinewarriorwoman

I would like to express deep gratitude to Sabine's Classes. I have done a lot of self development workshops, programs and support groups in the last 2 ½ years. Sabines Classes boost me up immensely, Physically mentally spiritually. In Sabine's Class I am able to integrate everything on a deeper level that I have been developing in terms of healing, self empowerment, and growth and development and re programming my neurotransmitters to create new pathways and therefore undoing old behaviors which I have been working on in the conscious mind through writing reflecting and being aware of old behaviors I wish to change.

I find Sabine's classes help me re integrate my new self development programs on a sub conscious level which I now know is the most effective way as we are running on 95% sub conscious thought patterns. Her classes allow me to go into a deep meditative state to allow the new programming to permeate the sub conscious mind. Her teachings include NLP methods which she is highly skilled in and I would only trust someone who was really experienced in this area as it works so profoundly I endeavor to have the courage to do a one on one session to go deeper as I have only scratched the surface and I am removing layers upon layers of life lessons and sometimes the same lesson but in a different way.

At the women’s group I feel so supported and held up by the group and Sabines guidance throughout the entire session. Sabine empowers the group to support themselves and provides some tools along the way which I am so thankful for her wisdom. I thoroughly enjoy the breathwork and aromatherapy oils she use resonate with me. If I miss a class I really do feel I need to go back as it gives me that much of a confidence boost.

I do get a little triggered by what may come up but surrender to the process as I know there will be so much growth on the other side as I experience that growth after every class and for days after. I can intellectually understand concepts but until I experience them to my core it doesn’t fully gel. This class helps me integrate all of my self-development as a very holistic approach to self actualization, which is my ultimate goal. Thank you for guiding me to achieve this.

Megan Rawley
Megan Rawley

Sabine is an amazing, knowledgeable, and supportive teacher and coach. Her unique approach of balancing western science and yogic wisdom allows her lessons to resonate with students, regardless of age or experience. She has an incredible way of knowing what you need to hear at the time and does so with empathy and kindness.
The classes and retreats provide a safe and nurturing space for women to embrace thier divine energy, and connect to themselves and each other. They are not about being flexible and contorting yourself into impossible positions, but focus on going inward and reconnecting with your body and internal energy with ease, grace and flow.

Sabine always goes above and beyond to support her students through spontaneous check ins and personalised touches perfectly tailored to the individual. She encourages us to commit to regular practice for our highest good and generously shares videos and recordings to ensure the experience is accessible and available whenever you need it. The one on one sessions were wonderful and achieved profound results for me. I cannot put into words the incredible and positive influence these had on my life to break old patterns, overcome grief and build a solid grounding to move forward. Sabine supports without judgement, loves infinitely and embodies the spirit of yoga.

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Updates from my journey of living in Melbourne for 1 year and transitioning back on an adventurous solo road trip to Adelaide and my retreat to myself (40 days)and now my next steps and new upcoming retreats, classes and events, yay!

Hi and warmest greetings to you!!! Thank you for being here and sharing this mystical, magical journey with me. Really this blog will be a loooong story shared in the shortest way, otherwise it would be a book. Before I get into my story, here is my little reminder on how you can easily raise …

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I acknowledge and pay respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.