Hi I’m Sabine…
Warmest welcome! Are you at a crossroad trying to find your way, but you feel lost & tired, wondering how to move forward with a soul aligned life? I help women like yourself rediscover your ‘why’ and the confidence in choosing the life you are destined to live! I am a holistic sleep scientist and support you powerfully in getting your optimised and rejuvenating sleep, which means true thriving! Additionally and inclusively I draw on breath-work, ancient traditional yoga, meditation (for you), neurolinguistic programming (NLP) plus hypnosis on all that I offer, if required. Your journey is unique! It is important that you are heard and seen as the unique being that you are & that sessions are tailored to you perfectly! It is my honour and privilege to co-create powerfully with you so that you can truly live your unique, inspired, creative, fulfilling, playful and soul-aligned life!
Let’s see if we’re a match and if I can facilitate your next level thriving. A free 20 minute call can be booked via my link below. Thank you for visiting my site which is dedicated to women’s wholistic wellness.

Namaste and welcome!

It is always wonderful to get to know your coach, yoga or breath work and meditation guide, to see if you feel a connection and resonance. To try to encapsulate myself into a biography was a great experience, and challenging .. how much do I say, how much is enough, to give a sense of my being? So I sincerely hope you enjoy this little reading journey, I added pictures, to offer more dimensions. I look forward to getting to know you and serving you in the highest way!
Meditation in the sand dunes in South Australia - being a bit artistic with it for the photo.


My journey began in a small remote village in the south of Germany, where I grew up in deep love and deep reverence about life itself.

About the above image: Me – not sure how young/old. But shy!

About the image above: My first day of school. In Germany we start school at the age of 7. There is this tradition where you get a gift of a ‘Schultüte’ full of gifts! Quite a lot of sweets! (hmm) Here I am holding mine.


About the image above: I loved going for walks in the forests in Germany. We had many family walks like this throughout the 4 seasons. This is just a few minutes around the corner, in Spiegelberg where we lived.

In my teens I migrated to South Australia which was a profound spiritual awakening in the form of a transformation through this mini-death, and the contemplations that went along with it.


About the image above: My Mum and myself in a gondola in Cologne on the way to the Australian Embassy for an interview (the whole family had to attend) in regard to our application to migrate to Australia. My brother and Dad are sitting opposite us.





As I went through high school, I realized that in my awareness was a strong desire to help people, and to aid people in curing disease, as I saw people struggle with weight, with depression, with aches and pains to which they often could not find cures or answers. I saw how it slowed down people from feeling alive and passionate about life. I found that sad, for I was sure there is a cure for everything! If it once wasn’t there, it can be released. The body renews itself fully every 7 years. The body is deeply intelligent, and always creating incredible homeostasis down to the most minute detail, continuously. Its wisdom beyond that of science even up to date. I always had huge interest in research and latest knowledge, ever changing and ever fascinating. But I realised  at 16, that we can’t replicate the brilliance of the eye, nor the brain, let alone all that allows our physical temperature remain close to 37 degrees Celcius throughout our lives .. Later at University I would realise that certain aspects of  what was taught to me one year in Immunology lectures,  was phased out the next year and revised distinctly, revealing to me the deep intelligence of the human organism and how little we truly know, despite the well of information in countless books. It was humbling, and inspiring all at once!

When I was 17, and just finishing High School, I was in a car accident which caused my spine to be strongly maladjusted. I saw a physiotherapist and chiropractor, and upon being told that I would most likely have to visit them for the rest of my life, I cringed deeply and enquired as to how I can heal myself and stabilise the treatment into a fully recovered outcome. Immediately I thought of yoga, and asked my chiropractor if he felt it would help. He said, possibly. Well I was super keen to heal myself, to feel I can create my own health, to be independent of weekly or monthly visits to someone else. I started yoga classes immediately. And guess what? After 6 months of 2-3 yoga classes a week (on average), I didn’t need anymore treatments of any kind! I felt great. I saved time (the visits) and money (for the visits). And I allowed my inner wisdom to do what it is designed to do.  I love being empowered.  And I love seeing others empowered into their own inner knowledge, knowing and wisdom.

After working in various departmental faculties of research science I became passionate about breast cancer research, and was offered a scholarship to study cancer, in this case prostate cancer and obtain a PhD. As a research assistant I had gained greater knowledge in the field of genetics and wished to delve into the aspect of further genetic research. I was fascinated by how bacteria and viruses replicated and how they could change their own genetic code, so to speak . I became interested into the human genome project. I was fascinated by what some called ‘junk-DNA’ those days, and how there could possibly the idea of useless code? To me it was clear that we just didn’t understand this coding yet, and that everything has a purpose. This is what Science accepts now too; ~ 18  years later ..

About the image above: Research lab days at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Dept. of Pathology in Adelaide. We were working on an improved pneumococcal vaccine here. That’s me in the front.


During this time I also started to become  aware of vibrational medicine and obtained a Natural Therapies Diploma.

I had also discovered yoga and its effects upon my busy mind, which were profound, for e.g. yoga was leading me back to the deep peace I had known as a child. My passion to find a cure for cancer lead me into meditation, breath, other lifestyle options (fasting included), and many healing modalities, including mindfulness. Loving vegetarian and organic food as a preference, many fasts later, teaching a nutrition course (which I created), I gradually used all this and yogic knowledge to have natural healthy homebirths.

About the image above: A rare picture of my divine 3 kids and me where we all look ready for the camera and have nice clothes on, haha! I love this image! It was Chinese New Year. We were celebrating. My ex-husband/ their father is Malaysian-Chinese, and I thoroughly enjoyed this culture.




The resonance with ancient Indian knowledge from the connection with Paramahansa Yogananda (Autobiography of a Yogi) lead me to study deeply into breath-work and metaphysics, and everything in connection with it. My desire or affinity to wish to help all people, lead me to Oneness University, where I was initiated into a Oneness Blessing giver after a 21 day retreat at the ashram in India. I felt supremely at home in India!

About the image above: Hot ground in temples of South India! I love all this! We took our children there and it was an amazing experience.

About the image above: In Pondicherry .. incredible joy at the beach. I took many pictures and thought sharing this one says so much!



Throughout these times, my yogic practice deepened, and many types of yoga were explored and experienced, each carrying divine gifts.

Reading Michelle Stanton’s ‘A timeless world’ inspired me to became a Zone coach (life skills coach) and I thoroughly enjoyed the journey and seeing the profound freeing effects this work had upon many!

Holding meditation and relaxation classes for two years as a community service for people touched in some way by cancer, was pure bliss and total resonance, and this awoke the joy of holding group sessions for me, and to share.

At last Kundalini yoga was discovered and the resonance total. While practicing kundalini yoga, I have tutored both Medical and Dental students and Adelaide Uni and found teaching students some simple relaxation and breath techniques, even for just 5 minutes, was a great benefit for the students. Mediating towards the joy and relief from stress for students and the people at the Cancer Care Centre, was being in my element .. my highest most joyous way to live.

Upon completing my training as a kundalini yoga teacher, which I began purely for the purpose to go deeper myself, I realized there was no greater gift than to share this powerful, profound yogic technology with those open to it. Kundalini yoga encapsulated all that I had so far learnt and discovered, and opened me up to so much more! At this point I was accepted into law, with a vision to become a human-rights- /or environmental-lawyer, but on this cross road learned, that my singular most powerful way (for me), was to empower people through this yoga; so they can all fulfil themselves, empower themselves by the regular practice of this very effective and deeply transforming yoga: kundalini yoga, being the yoga of awareness, because it focuses primarily on the practices which expand sensory awareness and intuition in order to raise individual consciousness and merge it with the Infinite consciousness. It is an advanced form of yoga and meditation, its purpose is to cultivate the creative spiritual potential of a human to uphold values, speak truth, and focus on the compassion and consciousness needed to serve and heal others.

So far ( from 2011 onwards till now, 2015) I have had many wonderful experiences on this journey.

Some of the most rewarding experiences were to share the science of yogic breath and postural asana at Adelaide University and Flinders University of South Australia, during my time there as a tutor,  which made a big difference to Medical Students under immense stress; within 5 minutes only teaching them easy simple steps.

I have had the privilege to be invited to Flinders University twice to hold yoga classes which I specifically designed to support students during SVOTVAC (exam period), where I taught about and created experience the benefits of stretches, different breath styles and deep relaxation techniques.


About the image above: I have been invited by FUSA (Flinders University Student Association) to introduce all students and staff to the yogic benefits of inner focus, posture, breath, meditation and deep relaxation ~ again for support during their intensive study challenges. There was much feedback about how it touched many deeply, how it empowered them with techniques to use throughout life and it was pure joy for me as always too.

I have taught yoga during PE education week at Saint Peter’s Girls Collegiate to year 4 and 5 girls, who had joyous outbursts of positive praise for their experiences.

In between all this (until now – 2020) I am running my own business since 2012 and have a Certificate 3 in small business management, which helped somewhat. The NEIS programme was a great and much appreciated support.

I have also taught a 5-week course as a gift from my heart to EDASA (Eating Disorder Association SA). Helping create acceptance and connection to the body and the self as it is.


About the image above: EDASA

Carers Support Australia invited me to teach yoga during their incredible “RAW ENERGY” retreat for teenagers that are carers, these were teenage girls and boys ages 14-16, with lives that were more complex and stressful than the ‘usual’ lives. The effect yoga had on them was visible and obvious, and it was pure joy to share and see!

I have since been employed by the 5 star Mount Lofty House to hold morning yoga for Delegates from the Department of Education.

Working with entrepreneurs at Hub Adelaide in Peel Street was another great way to teach and tailor yoga to help entrepreneurs with the vital gift of relaxation, energizing exercises for increased productivity. While there, I also gave a talk about ‘increased productivity and yoga’, using my scientific background to relate to my audience. This was well received and inspired many to look into yoga as a new lifestyle addition.

Creating workshops and courses focused on Breath & Meditation were held at Natural Health (Norwood), and the Burnside City Council, was another powerful way to share this ancient and scientific knowledge. To enhance people’s inner peace and performance in life to live their fullest potential. Many participants shared that their life was transforming powerfully for the better within even one half-day session.

My passion to share the gifts of kundalini yoga have taken me on the most enjoyable, divine journey imaginable, meeting the most incredible people, where I was able to offer yoga fundraiser classes at the beach and in the botanical gardens that would go to the RSPCA, women’s shelters, and homeless people in Adelaide so far.We have raised hundreds of dollars for the Permaculture Fund, Bali Green school and recently Hope Cafe (for refugees and more). In Melbourne we raised funds for the wonderful charity ” Backpacks for kids”.

About the image above: Teaching yoga in Henley Beach 2017, Adelaide

After training as a children’s yoga teacher I decided to get a certificate 4 in children’s services, so I can potentially work in Early Learning Centres and schools.


In the meanwhile, after having taught meditation for free for people with cancer for 2 years, which was truly heavenly, the people truly pure love in my eyes, I was affiliated with the cancer care centre and connected with cancer support again, and had the privilege of doing some home visits helping some divine beings relax into letting go. (this is too huge and deep to go into here right now)

My next privilege has been the deeper learnings and parallel integrations I recognised as I trained to be an NLP/ timeline and hypnosis practitioner. Then Master Practitioner (all of this between 2017 and 2019). Understanding the ways of the mind, PTSD (post traumatic stress) and how our childhood experiences, past lives /conception/birth affect our current lives, is a deeply empowering awareness I love to share in my sessions as a women’s coach. I see incredible shifts weekly with my clients after just one session even.


The inception of free community meditation in 2017 created a lovely circle of people coming together from all walks of life at the Burnside Community Centre, who kindly allowed me to use their space for free. The group grew exponentially and we had so many heartfelt sessions in the ballroom and town hall there. It was a $2 donation for a while in the end. Of which Burnside had half. We shared and created a loving community. I loved each and every session and my heart was inspired and full to just hold meditation classes and teach tips from my yogic, NLP, hypnosis and life background … we shared, connected and discussed excellent books and teachers and stayed in the now as a strong focus for mental balance. This went on for a few years… amazing human beings! Such truly fantastic humans I got to meet!!! Pure joy!!! … until just before Covid struck.

In between all this I have taught corporate yoga, shared classes and workshops about chakras, self care, hormonal balance, essential oils in Canberra, NSW and Melbourne and held many charity classes with great joy.


In 2018 I met my soul mate. He lived in Melbourne and we both travelled back and fourth a lot. Planes, trains, buses, taxis, trams .. we were simply travelling so much! Strolling around Melbourne by foot, exploring not just the city but countless other regions, the country side of Victoria for cricket, work, holidaying and little picnics. We enjoyed this romantic time deeply and naturally I interwove it with yoga and my work as a coach. Our love bloomed more each day and we got married in 2020 in our own deeply romantic, joyful and etheric way.


About the above image: As you can guess: our blissful official union celebration. Infinite joy of the heart and soul. Adelaide, 2020.

Going back in time a little: It was incredibly wonderful to be interviewed in 2018 by the wonderful and hilarious Hayley and Lauren from Adelady at the GLOW event in North Adelaide, and running a meditative and breath practise for the audience; and soon after that to be a guest (inspirational) speaker for the GROW (Generating Remarkable Organisational Women) event fundraiser at A.P. Aegers Car Group Limited, (the largest car dealership in Australia): “How to be brave, bold and confident!”

About the image above: Guest Speaker in 2018 for an afternoon tea fundraiser for ‘backpacks for kids’ through AP Aegers – one of the largest automotive retail groups in Australia.


I taught corporate programmes in the automobile industry and created effective evening courses to help CEOs and sales staff to create deeper rapport with their customers through self awareness, breath and posture; I taught about the ways of the mind and how we perceive and connect, plus about the posture of confidence, body language and how to practise meditation, visualisation and how our projection creates our reality. I educated the team about vagus nerve innovation, and hence the stress vs relaxation response ( parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems) and how to choose relaxation, drawing on the anatomy of lungs in relation to energy levels through proper breathing, the posture to support this, the biochemistry of the brain drenching all cells with its cocktail, the overall hormonal responses & signals, I explained epigenetics and neuroplasticity and how to utilise and understand these in relation to every day living. I highlighted the benefits of choosing the “genuis” or flow state and how to achieve it.

Currently (2019) I am in the midst of a PhD doing sleep research at the Appleton Institute @ the CQUniversity. I’m researching breathing patterns and sleep onset and maintenance. Ancient yoga meets current science. I love it!

Also since April 2019, I have specialised in teaching specifically women, in the form of yoga, coaching and meditation classes. We look at hormonal balance, embracing our wonderful femininity, and so much more! Corporate classes are still for both females and males.


2020 – what an interesting year of change, globally. A time to practise all the meditation and awareness and share it even more widely through free online meditation, a growing YouTube channel (slowly) and teaching online yoga via Zoom.

Additionally I created and taught a course for “The Fertile Womb” helping women to develop deeper trust, surrender and connection with their feminine energy. I guided them to release obsessive ‘doing’ mode, rushing and stressing for instant results. We did practises through breathing, meditation and visualisation techniques to allow women to explore “trusting the process” and “the universe” and allowing the idea that (and feeling of) everything will unfold at the perfect time (and why this supports their journey and wanted outcome). I was told that they tend to struggle as they are living in the future and thinking they will be happy when pregnant/have a baby and therefore struggling to feel happy now. So I related the gift of finding the joy in the now and the joy in the journey, and how to achieve this. ~ The feedback was always fabulous and the ladies loved the classes very much.


Since March, Covid 19 lockdown in Melbourne, I have been employed to teach an innovative corporate company meditation and relaxation 3 times /week. This has been an incredible journey and is ongoing.


Since then I am involved in a pregnancy loss group, teaching 5 modules to support their journey inward and forward. Our topics have been: From guilt to acceptance. From anger to forgiveness. From Jealousy/envy to calm. From Loss to connection. From Fear to hope. A true privilege and soulful group in every way, so real, vulnerable, deep, sacred and feminine.


I have never forgotten the way yoga (wholistic self beyond ego, questioning, observing, humility, love, forgiveness, shadow integration, union of body, heart and mind, realising self as light/energy/consciousness, oneness) enhanced my entire life, allowed me to shine more and be with challenges in a most present, graceful way. To share this, (and in sharing, practicing and learning more deeply) is my ultimate truth.

The journey continues …thank you for visiting and being part of it all.. it is my joy and privilege .. I love to see you in your full element, shining your amazing light and truest soul essence!



About the above image: Taj Mahal, India December 2017 – a day to myself – the day after I finished running my 11 day retreat in the Himalayas with 14 amazing human beings! Indescribably touched by all of it!